Announcements for 12/10/23

  • House Fellowships this week:
    • Tuesday at the Pepin’s, 6:30PM
    • Wednesday at Chet and Claire Boyd’s, 6:30PM
  • The whole leadership team (Elders and Deacons) is meeting tomorrow, December 11. Send agenda items and thoughts for consideration to Zach.
  • Our next Flea Market Ministry is 9AM – 12PM on Saturday December 30. If you have any interest in evangelism or reaching the local community, this is the place to start.
  • The Advance (our annual Church retreat) will be held Friday January 12 through Monday January 15. More details to come; the event is likely to have a per-person cost this year.
  • The next 18 months of House Fellowship content will be:
    • In 2024: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy
    • First half of 2025: Joshua, Judges, Ruth
  • Pickup basketball is occurring after service.
  • The church website is functional! The calendar and announcements are housed there, and we’ll make improvements to it as they come up. Send requests for information or features to Zach.

Announcements are due to Zach each Friday at Noon for the following Sunday.