We have name tags for everyone and visitor info cards at the literature table.
House Fellowships this week: Tuesday at 6:30PM at the Pepins’, Wednesday at 6:30PM at the Jordans’.
Young Ladies’ Book Study at the Armstrongs’ is today, February 25.
We’ll begin break down at +15 minutes.
Past announcements:
Youth Events this semester are as follows, from 3PM – 5PM here at the YWCO: March 16, April 13, May 4
We have several upcoming opportunities to visit our sister Church in Rio Blanco, Mexico. Please talk to Chet if you would like to be involved.
- A men’s trip with Chet III, March 4 – 8.
- Our usual longer visits for everyone over the summer.
- The church website is functional! The calendar and announcements are housed there, and we’ll make improvements to it as they come up. Send requests for information or features to Zach.
- Announcements are due to Zach each Friday at Noon for the following Sunday.