Website announcements as emails have been fixed! You will need to sign up again if you weren’t before. There’s a sign up form on the church homepage. We have name tags for everyone and visitor info cards at the literature table. House Fellowships this week: Tuesday at 6:30PM at the Pepins’ (potluck, details on Slack),Continue reading “Announcements for 2/18/24”
Author Archives: Zach Armstrong
Announcements for 2/11/24
Website announcements as emails have been fixed! You will need to sign up again if you weren’t before. There’s a sign up form on the church homepage. House Fellowships this week: Tuesday at 6:30PM at the Pepins’, Wednesday at 6:30PM at the Jordans’. Our next flea market outreach will be Saturday, February 17 9AM –Continue reading “Announcements for 2/11/24”
Announcements for 2/4/24
House Fellowships this week: Tuesday at 6:30PM at the Pepins’, Wednesday at 6:30PM at the Jordans’. Past announcements: Youth Events this semester are as follows, from 3PM – 5PM here at the YWCO: March 16, April 13, May 4 We have several upcoming opportunities to visit our sister Church in Rio Blanco, Mexico. Please talkContinue reading “Announcements for 2/4/24”
Announcements for 1/28/24
House Fellowships this week: Tuesday at 6:30PM at the Pepin’s, Wednesday at 6:30PM at Belmont Farm. The Young Ladies book study is tonight at 5PM at the Armstrong’s. The notes from our Family Meeting at the Advance are available here. Previous announcements: Youth Events this semester are as follows, from 3PM – 5PM here atContinue reading “Announcements for 1/28/24”
Announcements for 1/21/24
House Fellowships this week: Tuesday at 6:30PM at the Pepin’s, Wednesday at 6:30PM at the Jordan’s. Youth Events this semester are as follows, from 3PM – 5PM here at the YWCO: Feb 3, March 16, April 13, May 4 The next 18 months of House Fellowship content will be Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and DeuteronomyContinue reading “Announcements for 1/21/24”
Announcements for 1/14/24
House Fellowships this week: Tuesday at 6:30PM at the Pepin’s, Wednesday at 6:30PM at the Jordan’s. Youth Events this semester are as follows, from 3PM – 5PM here at the YWCO: Jan 20, Feb 3, March 16, April 13, May 4 The next 18 months of House Fellowship content will be Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers,Continue reading “Announcements for 1/14/24”
Announcements for 1/7/24
House Fellowships this week: Tuesday at 6:30PM at the Pepin’s, Wednesday at 6:30PM at the Jordan’s. Youth Events this semester are as follows, from 3PM – 5PM: Jan 20, Feb 3, March 16, April 13, May 4 The next 18 months of House Fellowship content will be Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy in 2024,Continue reading “Announcements for 1/7/24”
Announcements for 12/31/23
House Fellowships this week: Tuesday at 6:30PM at the Pepin’s, Wednesday at 6:30PM at the Jordan’s. The Advance (our annual Church retreat) will be held this Friday January 5 through Sunday January 7 at the Ark on Lake Lanier. Please note, this is one weekend earlier than usual! More details to come. The next 18Continue reading “Announcements for 12/31/23”
Announcements for 12/24/23
No House House Fellowships this week. Our next Flea Market Ministry is 9AM – 12PM on Saturday December 30. If you have any interest in evangelism or reaching the local community, this is the place to start. The Advance (our annual Church retreat) will be held Friday January 5 through Monday January 8 at theContinue reading “Announcements for 12/24/23”
Announcements for 12/17/23
House Fellowships this week: Tuesday at the Pepin’s, 6:30PM, Wednesday at the Jordan’s, 6:30PM. Our next Flea Market Ministry is 9AM – 12PM on Saturday December 30. If you have any interest in evangelism or reaching the local community, this is the place to start. The Advance (our annual Church retreat) will be held FridayContinue reading “Announcements for 12/17/23”