Announcements for 1/21/24

House Fellowships this week: Tuesday at 6:30PM at the Pepin’s, Wednesday at 6:30PM at the Jordan’s.

Youth Events this semester are as follows, from 3PM – 5PM here at the YWCO: Feb 3, March 16, April 13, May 4

The next 18 months of House Fellowship content will be Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy in 2024, then Joshua, Judges, Ruth in the first half of 2025.

We have several upcoming opportunities to visit our sister Church in Rio Blanco, Mexico. Please talk to Chet if you would like to be involved.

  • A men’s trip with Chet III, March 4 – 8.
  • Our usual longer visits for everyone over the summer.

The church website is functional! The calendar and announcements are housed there, and we’ll make improvements to it as they come up. Send requests for information or features to Zach.

Announcements are due to Zach each Friday at Noon for the following Sunday.

Announcements for 1/14/24

House Fellowships this week: Tuesday at 6:30PM at the Pepin’s, Wednesday at 6:30PM at the Jordan’s.

Youth Events this semester are as follows, from 3PM – 5PM here at the YWCO: Jan 20, Feb 3, March 16, April 13, May 4

The next 18 months of House Fellowship content will be Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy in 2024, then Joshua, Judges, Ruth in the first half of 2025.

We have several upcoming opportunities to visit our sister Church in Rio Blanco, Mexico. Please talk to Chet if you would like to be involved.

  • A men’s trip with Chet III, March 4 – 8.
  • Our usual longer visits for everyone over the summer.

The church website is functional! The calendar and announcements are housed there, and we’ll make improvements to it as they come up. Send requests for information or features to Zach.

Announcements are due to Zach each Friday at Noon for the following Sunday.

Announcements for 1/7/24

House Fellowships this week: Tuesday at 6:30PM at the Pepin’s, Wednesday at 6:30PM at the Jordan’s.

Youth Events this semester are as follows, from 3PM – 5PM: Jan 20, Feb 3, March 16, April 13, May 4

The next 18 months of House Fellowship content will be Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy in 2024, then Joshua, Judges, Ruth in the first half of 2025.

We have several upcoming opportunities to visit our sister Church in Rio Blanco, Mexico. Please talk to Chet if you would like to be involved.

  • A men’s trip with Chet III, March 4 – 8.
  • Our usual longer visits for everyone over the summer.

The church website is functional! The calendar and announcements are housed there, and we’ll make improvements to it as they come up. Send requests for information or features to Zach.

Announcements are due to Zach each Friday at Noon for the following Sunday.

Announcements for 12/31/23

House Fellowships this week: Tuesday at 6:30PM at the Pepin’s, Wednesday at 6:30PM at the Jordan’s.

The Advance (our annual Church retreat) will be held this Friday January 5 through Sunday January 7 at the Ark on Lake Lanier. Please note, this is one weekend earlier than usual! More details to come.

The next 18 months of House Fellowship content will be Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy in 2024, then Joshua, Judges, Ruth in the first half of 2025.

We have several upcoming opportunities to visit our sister Church in Rio Blanco, Mexico. Please talk to Chet if you would like to be involved.

  • A men’s trip with Chet III, March 4 – 8.
  • Our usual longer visits for everyone over the summer.

The church website is functional! The calendar and announcements are housed there, and we’ll make improvements to it as they come up. Send requests for information or features to Zach.

Announcements are due to Zach each Friday at Noon for the following Sunday.

Announcements for 12/24/23

No House House Fellowships this week.

Our next Flea Market Ministry is 9AM – 12PM on Saturday December 30. If you have any interest in evangelism or reaching the local community, this is the place to start.

The Advance (our annual Church retreat) will be held Friday January 5 through Monday January 8 at the Ark on Lake Lanier. Please note, this is one weekend earlier than usual! More details to come.

The next 18 months of House Fellowship content will be Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy in 2024, then Joshua, Judges, Ruth in the first half of 2025.

The church website is functional! The calendar and announcements are housed there, and we’ll make improvements to it as they come up. Send requests for information or features to Zach.

Announcements are due to Zach each Friday at Noon for the following Sunday.

Announcements for 12/17/23

House Fellowships this week: Tuesday at the Pepin’s, 6:30PM, Wednesday at the Jordan’s, 6:30PM.

Our next Flea Market Ministry is 9AM – 12PM on Saturday December 30. If you have any interest in evangelism or reaching the local community, this is the place to start.

The Advance (our annual Church retreat) will be held Friday January 5 through Monday January 8 at the Ark on Lake Lanier. Please note, this is one weekend earlier than usual! More details to come.

The next 18 months of House Fellowship content will be Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy in 2024, then Joshua, Judges, Ruth in the first half of 2025.

The church website is functional! The calendar and announcements are housed there, and we’ll make improvements to it as they come up. Send requests for information or features to Zach.

Announcements are due to Zach each Friday at Noon for the following Sunday.

Announcements for 12/10/23

  • House Fellowships this week:
    • Tuesday at the Pepin’s, 6:30PM
    • Wednesday at Chet and Claire Boyd’s, 6:30PM
  • The whole leadership team (Elders and Deacons) is meeting tomorrow, December 11. Send agenda items and thoughts for consideration to Zach.
  • Our next Flea Market Ministry is 9AM – 12PM on Saturday December 30. If you have any interest in evangelism or reaching the local community, this is the place to start.
  • The Advance (our annual Church retreat) will be held Friday January 12 through Monday January 15. More details to come; the event is likely to have a per-person cost this year.
  • The next 18 months of House Fellowship content will be:
    • In 2024: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy
    • First half of 2025: Joshua, Judges, Ruth
  • Pickup basketball is occurring after service.
  • The church website is functional! The calendar and announcements are housed there, and we’ll make improvements to it as they come up. Send requests for information or features to Zach.

Announcements are due to Zach each Friday at Noon for the following Sunday.

Announcements for 12/3/23

  • House Fellows are Tuesday at the Pepins’ and Wednesday at the Jordans’ beginning at 6:30PM.
  • The Elders are meeting tomorrow, December 4 (last week’s post had the wrong date), and the whole leadership team (Elders and Deacons) are meetings December 11.
    • Send agenda items and thoughts for consideration to Zach.
  • The children’s performance will be December 10, next weekend.
  • The next Flea Market Ministry is Saturday December 30, 9AM – 12PM.
  • The church website is functional! The calendar and announcements are housed there, and we’ll make improvements to it as they come up. Send requests for information or features to Zach.

Announcements for 11/26/23

  • Next week at 10:15AM, Jess will meet with any of the youth who want to help with kids. She’ll talk about what the roles are for helping with kids in our new space.
  • The next Elder meeting is December 2, and the next Deacon meeting will be before Christmas. Send in thoughts, requests or notes! Send to Zach to forward if you’re unsure who they go to.
  • Events
    • Youth Ladies, tonight at 5PM at the Armstrong house.
    • Youth Event for 4th Grade and up, Saturday December 2 from 12:30PM – 2:30PM at the YWCO Gym.
      • Simultaneously, we’ll upgrade the Mothership.
    • Jonathan and Sarah’s wedding shower that evening, December 2, demonstrating that their marriage will be more important than Georgia football.

Announcements for a given Sunday are due to Zach each preceding Friday at Noon.

Announcement for 11/19/23

  • Please RSVP to Jonathan and Sarah’s wedding shower on December 2 via this link.
  • No regular house fellowships this week. There is a “Friendsgiving” time of fellowship at the McQuien’s house on Tuesday; please RSVP to Michelle.
  • Youth Event (4th Grade and up): ##-## on December 2nd, in the YWCO Gym.
  • Please complete your Protect My Ministry training as soon as possible. Starting November 25, only those who have completed the entire training will be able to serve with children.