House Fellowship Fall Schedule: Our next outreach event will be a cookout on Saturday, October 26. Our Outreach Deacon Eduardo will follow up with more details. We are transitioning to an online app for volunteer scheduling, called PlanningCenter. We are in the setup phase and will have more communication before bringing everyone on to theContinue reading “Announcements for 10/6/2024”
Category Archives: Announcements
Announcements for 9/22/24
House Fellowship Fall Schedule is here! We are studying Leviticus. Eduardo will have an update on our car wash outreach event yesterday. We have all the details set for our Young Ladies’ Book Study! They are posted on the website and on Slack, where we’ve tagged the parents. The first meeting is Sunday September 29Continue reading “Announcements for 9/22/24”
Announcements for 9/15/24
House Fellowship Fall Schedule is here! We are studying Leviticus. Our next outreach event is this coming Saturday, September 21. We will have a car wash here at the YWCO! Please arrive here at 11:30AM for a Noon start. We will wash cars and pray for folks for about two hours. We have all theContinue reading “Announcements for 9/15/24”
Young Ladies Book Study Schedule (24-25)
Jessica Kerr and Meghan Armstrong determined dates for the Youth Girls (middle school + up) Group for the 2024-2025 school year. We’ll be using the Crown Him King study from Well-Watered Women. We will meet the last Sunday of the month at Jessica’s house starting at 5 PM, dinner will be provided. We will purchase the booksContinue reading “Young Ladies Book Study Schedule (24-25)”
Announcements for 9/8/24
House Fellowship Fall Schedule is here! We are studying Leviticus. Our next outreach event will be Saturday, September 21. More details forthcoming from Eduardo. If you’re visiting for the first time, we’d love if you filled out a visitor card. This allows us to easily follow up with you. Birthdays and anniversies. Ask for volunteersContinue reading “Announcements for 9/8/24”
Announcements for 09/01/2024
House Fellowship Fall Schedule is here! We are studying Leviticus. If you’re committed to One Hope as your church home and are interested in serving on the worship team, either with a honed musical skill or one in need of some polishing, please talk to Derek. If you’re visiting for the first time, we’d loveContinue reading “Announcements for 09/01/2024”
Announcements for 8/25/24
House Fellowship for the week: Tuesday at the McQuien’s and Wednesday at the Jordan’s. Moving to three house fellowship meetings after Labor Day. Our youth Sunday School will begin Sunday September 8 at 9:15AM. Age range will be 5th grade and up so there’s no gap between those aging out of Sunday School and thisContinue reading “Announcements for 8/25/24”
Announcements for 8/18/24
House Fellowship for the week will be Tuesday and Wednesday at 6:30pm. In September we will move to multiple house fellowships throughout the week and will publish times and dates soon so you can plan. Our youth Sunday School will begin Sunday September 8 at 9:15AM. Age range will be 5th grade and up soContinue reading “Announcements for 8/18/24”
Announcements for 8/11/24
House Fellowship for the week will be Tuesday at 6:30pm. In September we will move to multiple house fellowships throughout the week and will publish times and dates soon so you can plan. Our youth Sunday School will begin Sunday September 8 at 9:15AM. Age range will be 5th grade and up so there’s noContinue reading “Announcements for 8/11/24”
Announcements for 8/4/24
House Fellowship for the week will be Tuesday at 6:30pm at a house that Chet will tell us. In September we will move to multiple house fellowships throughout the week and will publish times and dates soon so you can plan. Our youth Sunday School will begin Sunday September 8 at 9:15AM. Age range willContinue reading “Announcements for 8/4/24”