We have name tags for everyone and visitor info cards at the literature table. House Fellowships this week: Tuesday at 6:30PM at the Pepins’, Wednesday at 6:30PM at the Jordans’. We’ll begin break down at +15 minutes. Birthdays and anniversaries! Past announcements: Youth Events this semester are as follows, from 3PM – 5PM here atContinue reading “Announcements for 3/3/24”
Category Archives: Announcements
Announcements for 2/25/24
We have name tags for everyone and visitor info cards at the literature table. House Fellowships this week: Tuesday at 6:30PM at the Pepins’, Wednesday at 6:30PM at the Jordans’. Young Ladies’ Book Study at the Armstrongs’ is today, February 25. We’ll begin break down at +15 minutes. Past announcements: Youth Events this semester areContinue reading “Announcements for 2/25/24”
Announcements for 2/18/24
Website announcements as emails have been fixed! You will need to sign up again if you weren’t before. There’s a sign up form on the church homepage. We have name tags for everyone and visitor info cards at the literature table. House Fellowships this week: Tuesday at 6:30PM at the Pepins’ (potluck, details on Slack),Continue reading “Announcements for 2/18/24”
Announcements for 2/11/24
Website announcements as emails have been fixed! You will need to sign up again if you weren’t before. There’s a sign up form on the church homepage. House Fellowships this week: Tuesday at 6:30PM at the Pepins’, Wednesday at 6:30PM at the Jordans’. Our next flea market outreach will be Saturday, February 17 9AM –Continue reading “Announcements for 2/11/24”
Announcements for 2/4/24
House Fellowships this week: Tuesday at 6:30PM at the Pepins’, Wednesday at 6:30PM at the Jordans’. Past announcements: Youth Events this semester are as follows, from 3PM – 5PM here at the YWCO: March 16, April 13, May 4 We have several upcoming opportunities to visit our sister Church in Rio Blanco, Mexico. Please talkContinue reading “Announcements for 2/4/24”
Announcements for 1/28/24
House Fellowships this week: Tuesday at 6:30PM at the Pepin’s, Wednesday at 6:30PM at Belmont Farm. The Young Ladies book study is tonight at 5PM at the Armstrong’s. The notes from our Family Meeting at the Advance are available here. Previous announcements: Youth Events this semester are as follows, from 3PM – 5PM here atContinue reading “Announcements for 1/28/24”
Announcements for 1/21/24
House Fellowships this week: Tuesday at 6:30PM at the Pepin’s, Wednesday at 6:30PM at the Jordan’s. Youth Events this semester are as follows, from 3PM – 5PM here at the YWCO: Feb 3, March 16, April 13, May 4 The next 18 months of House Fellowship content will be Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and DeuteronomyContinue reading “Announcements for 1/21/24”
Announcements for 1/14/24
House Fellowships this week: Tuesday at 6:30PM at the Pepin’s, Wednesday at 6:30PM at the Jordan’s. Youth Events this semester are as follows, from 3PM – 5PM here at the YWCO: Jan 20, Feb 3, March 16, April 13, May 4 The next 18 months of House Fellowship content will be Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers,Continue reading “Announcements for 1/14/24”
Announcements for 1/7/24
House Fellowships this week: Tuesday at 6:30PM at the Pepin’s, Wednesday at 6:30PM at the Jordan’s. Youth Events this semester are as follows, from 3PM – 5PM: Jan 20, Feb 3, March 16, April 13, May 4 The next 18 months of House Fellowship content will be Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy in 2024,Continue reading “Announcements for 1/7/24”
Announcements for 12/31/23
House Fellowships this week: Tuesday at 6:30PM at the Pepin’s, Wednesday at 6:30PM at the Jordan’s. The Advance (our annual Church retreat) will be held this Friday January 5 through Sunday January 7 at the Ark on Lake Lanier. Please note, this is one weekend earlier than usual! More details to come. The next 18Continue reading “Announcements for 12/31/23”